Both girls have colds, so there is snot galore in this house. And Pink Butterfly is teething, which means she's also drooling. (Didn't add drool to the list, did I?) This afternoon, she was rubbing her snotty, drooley face against my bare shoulder, then blowing raspberries into it. It was gross and funny at the same time, and she found it quite hysterical. Then she spit up on me. Ever since she's started eating more table food, even though her spit up frequency has reduced, it's funkiness has increased proportionally. Thankfully, she didn't get any on her clothes, but she got my arm and the floor. That was an easy clean up, but it was still not a highlight of my day.
Purple Butterfly is also suffering a cold. Even though she's in pretty good spirits, I can tell she's sick because she's actually napping in the afternoons. Today's nap was interrupted by her waking up crying and coughing. This happens often to poor Purple Butterfly when she's sick. And more often than not, it makes the poor girl puke as she's attempting to clear the mucus. Thanks to past experience and the fair warning given by her horribly deep coughs, I can usually tell when it's coming. And I was able to tell today that it was going to happen, I just didn't get us outside in time. Right as we were stepping through the screen door, she puked. Right down the front of my tank top. Lovely. And toddler puke is 1000 times worse than funky baby spit up. Once Purple Butterfly was done getting sick and I got her cleaned up and calmed down, she went about her business as if nothing had happened. Thank goodness little kids are so resilient.
I got to experience all but blood today. Writing that last sentence just made me rethink my day, and realize it wasn't as bad as it could have been. And here are some pictures of my little butterflies to show you just how cute they are, even if they are sick.
Here is Purple Butterfly eating breakfast. Or enjoying her breakfast, as she would say.

Here is Pink Butterfly hanging out in her favorite spot under the jumperoo.

Their smiling faces make cleaning up all the ickiness bearable.
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