Saturday, September 1, 2012

The End of the World as We Know It

I've been at home with the girls since Butterfly was born. We've led a pretty carefree existence, a routine versus a schedule, very few commitments, letting the weather dictate our plans once we had breakfast. Spending days outside, or reading, or pretending, or making art.

All that has changed as of this past Thursday. We had a major milestone in this house. My Purple Butterfly started pre-school! Two days a week we have to be out the door by a certain time to get her to class in time for 8:30. Of course, we haven't done that yet, because we got out the door in time for orientation in time for 9:00am. 8:30 is a bit more daunting. And here is my Purple Butterfly before her very first day of preschool.

The schedule adjustment is just the tip of the iceberg. Staring Tuesday, I'll be dropping Butterfly off and leaving her with her teachers and classmates. I'm very excited for her to start preschool. She needs all the things that preschool is for - time away from me, getting used to listening to a teacher, not being the major focus of the adult, and the part I'm most excited about her experiencing - socializing with other kids her age. I've tried with playdates, music classes, and trips to the park and library to help her socialize, but I really think she'll benefit from regularly being in class with other kids her age.

Things are going to change for Ladybug, too. She'll get some much needed one-on-one time with mom. We get very little time as just the two of us, maybe some time in the mornings. Now, we'll have 5 hours a week. It will be intereting to see how she handles her sister being out of the house, or not being with us in the mornings if we runs errands. According to Ladybug, there are places that Butterfly should be, because she always is. Now we're going to change that.

I wasn't overly emotional on Thursday. No tears, but lots of pride. Of course, we were there in the classroom with Butterfly. We'll see how we all feel Tuesday when Butterfly walks into the classroom by herself to join her classmates.

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