We're not even 3 weeks into the new year, and I've already broke my resolution in regards to this blog. I'm not going to try to defend myself by saying that I was sick, my kids were sick, and that by trying to keep my other resolutions I had much time for screen time. I am getting more sleep, though! :-D And I do feel more patient. Although, I think next year it will just be easiest for me to resolve to eat more Nutella.
A new development in the Butterfly househould is that we're reading more again. Well, more children's books, anyway. I'm still trying to fit in time to read more of what I want. But I'm excited about reading to my kids again. Purple Butterfly has always loved her books. She and I used to spend hours a day reading. Once Pink Butterfly was born, the reading time diminished significantly (although Purple Butterfly still got at least 10 books a day). Of course, a baby is more intersted in chewing the book than listening to the story or ripping the pages than looking at the pictures. But as she's getting older, she's coming around. She now brings me books to read to her. She has interest in books that have other illustrations that just pictures of babies. (See my Baby Giggles entry.) And she likes her stories before bed. Here is my newly hatched bookworm.
Purple Butterfly's current favorite is the All About Cordury story book that Santa brough her. Mr. Butterfly or I have read her that book at least twice a day for the past week. Pink Butterfly doesn't seem to have a favorite, but I did watch her spend about 15 minutes looking at Pat the Bunny tonight after dinner. As for me, I'm reading I Am the Chose King on my Kindle. I may finish it before springtime.
A trip to the library earlier this week will allow for some book highlights. I hope you enjoy them.